Tropical API Parameters

Request parameters | Response parameters

Tropical API query string parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
api Hostname for use in production applications: N/A Required
apidev Hostname for use in development applications: N/A Required
apikey A unique code to access AccuWeather's APIs. N/A Required
version The API version (currently V1). v1 Required
year Year of the cyclone(s). N/A Required
Storm search
Storm positions
Storm forecast
Active storms
basinID A unique ID used to identify a basin (NP, SP, NI, SI, AL, EP). N/A Required
Storm search
Storm positions
Storm forecast
Active storms
depressionID The tropical cyclone's numeric ID (deprecated). N/A Required
Storm search
Storm positions
Storm forecast
Active storms
governmentID A unique government-issued ID. N/A Required
Storm search
Storm positions
Storm forecast
Active storms
format The response data format. Currently only JSON is available. JSON Optional
details A boolean value that specifies whether or not to include extended information. False Optional
radiigeometry Includes wind radii summary data and geoJSON details in the response when set to "true". False Optional
windowgeometry Includes window geometry data (geoJSON) in the response when set to "true". False Optional
includelandmarks Includes a landmarkReferences array with landmark-specific information when set to "true". True Optional

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Active storms response parameters

year Year of origination
basinID Basin identifier (AL, EP, SI, NI, CP, NP, SP)
depressionNumber Government depression number. May be NULL.
name The name of the depression.
isActive True if the depression has been updated recently.
isSubtropical True when the depression is classified as a subtropical cyclone.
accuId AccuWeather storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
atcfId Automated Tropical Cyclone Forecasting (ATCF) storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
govId Government storm ID. This will match the depression number.
eventKey A unique identifier in the format BBDDYYYY where BB is the basin code, DD is the depression number, and YYYY is the year.
govBaseLink Link to the specific government storm URL.
accuBaseLink Link to the specific AccuWeather storm URL. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
atcfBaseLink Link to the specific ATCF storm URL. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.

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Storm search response parameters

year Year of origination
basinID Basin identifier (AL, EP, SI, NI, CP, NP, SP)
depressionNumber Government depression number. May be NULL.
name The name of the depression.
isActive True if the depression has been updated recently.
isRetired True if the storm name has been permanently retired in the source basin.
isSubtropical True when the depression is classified as a subtropical cyclone.
accuId AccuWeather storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
atcfId ATCF storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
govId Government storm ID. This will match the depression number.
eventKey A unique identifier in the format BBDDYYYY where BB is the basin code, DD is the depression number, and YYYY is the year.
duration An object containing information about the total length of time the storm lasted. Only available after the storm has ended.
startDateTime The date and time at which the storm began in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm).
startEpochDateTime The date and time at which the storm began as a count of the number of seconds that had elapsed since midnight on January 1st, 1970 UTC/GMT.
endDateTime The date and time at which the storm ended in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm).
endEpochDateTime The date and time at which the storm ended as a count of the number of seconds that had elapsed since midnight on January 1st, 1970 UTC/GMT.
peakIntensity An object containing information about the storm's maximum strength.
validDateTime The date and time at which the peak intensity was observed, displayed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm).
validEpochDateTime The date and time at which the peak intensity was observed, displayed as a count of the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1st, 1970 UTC/GMT.
status A short text string describing the type of tropical storm.
localizedStatus A short text string describing the type of tropical storm in the requested language.
position An object containing latitude and longitude values indicating the peak intensity location.
latitude The north/south position value, displayed with one decimal place.
longitude The east/west position value, displayed with one decimal place.
sustainedWind An object containing information about the maximum sustained wind speed associated with the storm. Contains metric and imperial values.
metric An object containing maximum sustained wind values in kilometers per hour (km/h).
value The maximum sustained wind speed's rounded numerical value in kilometers per hour (km/h).
unit The maximum sustained wind speed's unit type (km/h).
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the wind speed measurement's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
imperial An object containing maximum sustained wind values in miles per hour (mi/h).
value The maximum sustained wind speed's rounded numerical value in miles per hour (mi/h).
unit The maximum sustained wind speed's unit type (mi/h).
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the wind speed measurement's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
govBaseLink Link to the specific government storm URL.
accuBaseLink Link to the specific AccuWeather storm URL. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
atcfBaseLink Link to the specific ATCF storm URL. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.

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Forecast response parameters

validDateTime Datetime the forecast is valid, displayed in ISO8601 format.
validEpochDateTime Datetime the forecast is valid, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
initializedDateTime Datetime the forecast was created, displayed in ISO8601 format.
epochInitializedDateTime Datetime the forecast was created, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
latitude The latitude of the storm's position.
longitude The longitude of the storm's position.
maxWindGust Maximum wind gust speed associated with the storm. May be NULL. Contains metric and imperial values.
Value Rounded value of the maximum wind gust speed in kilometers per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the maximum wind gust speed value (kilometers per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
Value Rounded value of the maximum wind gust speed in miles per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the maximum wind gust speed value (miles per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
sustainedWind Maximum sustained wind speed associated with the storm. May be NULL. Contains metric and imperial values.
Value Rounded value of the sustained wind speed in kilometers per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the sustained wind speed value (kilometers per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
Value Rounded value of the sustained wind speed in miles per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the sustained wind speed value (miles per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
status Storm status, in English.
localizedStatus Storm status, in the requested language.
window Contains information about the forecast window for the storm during the specified time period (not the entire cone). If windowgeometry=true in the request, this object will include geoJSON details for window geometry.
latitude Latitude of the point on the left side of the window at the time of the timeframe (window.endDateTime).
longitude Longitude of the point on the left side of the window at the end of the timeframe (window.endDateTime).
latitude Latitude of the point on the right side of the window at the end of the timeframe (window.endDateTime).
longitude Longitude of the point on the right side of the window at the end of the timeframe (window.endDateTime).
beginDateTime DateTime of the beginning of the window of movement, displayed in ISO8601 format.
epochBeginDateTime DateTime of the beginning of the window of movement, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
endDateTime DateTime of the end of the window of movement, displayed in ISO8601 format.
epochEndDateTime DateTime of the end of the window of movement, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
beginStatus Storm status at the beginning of the window.
endStatus Storm status at the end of the window.
geometry Displayed when windowgeometry=true in request. GeoJSON object containing coordinates describing the window of movement during the specified timeframe.
windRadiiSummary Displayed when details=true or radiigeometry=true in the request.
validDateTime DateTime for which the wind radii summary data is valid, displayed in ISO8601 format.
validEpochDateTime DateTime for which the wind radii summary data is valid, displayed as the number of seconds that have lapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
windSpeed Wind speed associated with the radiusSectorData. Contains metric and imperial values.
radiusSectorData Contains the information needed to plot wind radius quadrants. Bearing 0–90 = NE quadrant; 90–180 = SE quadrant; 180–270 = SW quadrant; 270–360 = NW quadrant.
beginBearing Bearing, in degrees, of the beginning of the quadrant.
endBearing Bearing, in degrees, of the end of the quadrant.
range The radius of the quadrant, in nautical miles.
radiiGeometry GeoJSON object. Describes the outline of the wind radius quadrants. Displayed when radiigeometry=true in request and if tropical storm force winds (at least 34 knots), storm force winds (at least 50 knots), or hurricane force winds (at least 64 knots) are present.

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Positions response parameters

validDateTime Datetime the forecast is valid, displayed in ISO8601 format.
validEpochDateTime Datetime the forecast is valid, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
latitude Storm latitude.
longitude Storm longitude.
maxWindGust Maximum wind gust speed associated with the storm. May be NULL. Contains metric and imperial values.
Value Rounded value of the maximum wind gust speed in kilometers per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the maximum wind gust speed value (kilometers per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
Value Rounded value of the maximum wind gust speed in miles per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the maximum wind gust speed value (miles per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
sustainedWind Maximum sustained wind speed associated with the storm. May be NULL. Contains metric and imperial values.
Value Rounded value of the sustained wind speed in kilometers per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the sustained wind speed value (kilometers per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
Value Rounded value of the sustained wind speed in miles per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the sustained wind speed value (miles per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
minimumPressure Minimum pressure associated with the storm. May be NULL. Contains metric and imperial values.
Value Rounded value of the minimum pressure in millibars (mb).
Unit Type of unit for the minimum pressure value (millibar).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
Value Rounded value of the minimum pressure in inch of mercury (inHg).
Unit Type of unit for the minimum pressure value (inch of mercury).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
movement An object containing information about the storm's speed and direction.
direction An object containing information about the storm's direction of travel.
degrees Direction of movement in azimuth degrees. May be NULL.
localized Direction abbreviated in the language specified in the URL.
english Direction abbreviated in English.
localized Direction abbreviated in the requested language.
speed Speed at which the storm is moving. Contains metric and imperial values.
Value Rounded value of the storm speed in kilometers per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the storm speed value (kilometers per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
Value Rounded value of the storm speed in miles per hour.
Unit Type of unit for the storm speed value (miles per hour).
UnitType Numeric value that can be used for unit translations.
status Storm status in English.
localizedStatus Storm status in the requested language.
isSubtropical True when depression is classified as a subtropical cyclone.
windRadiiSummary Displayed when details=true or radiigeometry=true in the request.
validDateTime Datetime when the summary is valid, displayed in ISO8601 format.
validEpochDateTime Datetime when the summary is valid, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
windSpeed Wind speed associated with the radiusSectorData. Contains metric and imperial values.
radiusSectorData Contains the information needed to plot wind radius quadrants. Bearing 0–90 = NE quadrant; 90–180 = SE quadrant; 180–270 = SW quadrant; 270–360 = NW quadrant.
beginBearing Bearing, in degrees, of the beginning of the quadrant.
endBearing Bearing, in degrees, of the end of the quadrant.
range The radius of the quadrant, in nautical miles.
landmark Landmark name, in English.
direction Direction to the landmark.
degrees Direction in azimuth degrees. May be NULL.
english Direction abbreviated in English.
range Distance to the landmark.
Value Rounded value of the distance to the landmark in kilometers.
Unit Type of unit for the distance to the landmark (kilometers).
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value of the distance to the landmark in miles.
Unit Type of unit for the distance to the landmark (miles).
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.

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Tropical storm response parameters (deprecated)

Year Year of origination.
BasinID Basin identifier (NP, SP, NI, SI, AL, EP).
DepressionNumber The government depression number.
Name The name of the depression.
IsActive True if the depression has been updated recently.
IsSubtropical True when depression is classified as a subtropical cyclone.
AccuID AccuWeather storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
HurdatID Hurdat (hurricane database) storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.
AtcfID ATCF storm ID. May be NULL. If NULL, this parameter will not be displayed.

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Tropical storm position response parameters (deprecated)

Year Year of origination
BasinID Basin identifier (NP, SP, NI, SI, AL, EP).
DepressionNumber The government depression number.
Name The name of the depression.
ID Advisory ID
DateTimeIssued DateTime, displayed in ISO8601 format, when the advisory was issued.
EpochDateTimeIssued DateTime that the advisory was issued, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight GMT/UTC).
Latitude The latitude of the current storm position.
Longitude The longitude of the current storm position.
MaxWindGust Maximum wind gust associated with the storm.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
SustainedWind Maximum sustained wind associated with the storm.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
MinimumPressure Minimum pressure associated with the storm.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Degrees Direction in azimuth degrees. May be NULL.
English Direction abbreviated in English.
Speed Speed at which the storm is moving.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
status Storm status, in English, including category values of hurricanes and tropical cyclones. Some examples are: Hurricane – Category 3, Tropical Depression, Tropical Cyclone - Category 1, Depression, and Typhoon.
Landmark Landmark name, in English.
Direction Direction to the landmark.
Degrees Direction in azimuth degrees. May be NULL.
English Direction abbreviated in English.
Range Distance to the landmark.
Value Rounded value of the distance to the landmark in kilometers.
Unit Type of unit for the distance to the landmark (kilometers).
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value of the distance to the landmark in miles.
Unit Type of unit for the distance to the landmark (miles).
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.

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Tropical storm forecast response parameters (deprecated)

DateCreated Datetime that the forecast was created, displayed in ISO8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
EpochDateCreated Datetime that the forecast was created, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
ForecastDateTime Datetime that the forecast is valid, displayed in ISO8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
ForecastEpochDateTime Datetime that the forecast is valid, displayed as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
Year Year of origination
BasinID Basin identifier (NP, SP, NI, SI, AL, EP).
DepressionNumber The government depression number.
Name The name of the depression.
Latitude The latitude of the storm position.
Longitude The longitude of the storm position.
MaxWindGust Maximum wind gust associated with the storm.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
SustainedWind Maximum sustained wind associated with the storm.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
Value Rounded value in the specified units.
Unit Type of unit.
UnitType Numeric ID associated with the type of unit being displayed.
status Storm status, in English, including category values of hurricanes and tropical cyclones. Some examples are: Hurricane – Category 3, Tropical Depression, Tropical Cyclone - Category 1, Depression, and Typhoon.

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