Reports API Parameters

Query parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
api Hostname for use in production applications: N/A Required
apidev Hostname for use in development applications: N/A Required
version The API version (currently v1). v1 Required
categoryID The ID number which corresponds to the desired event type. Only applicable when searching for category metadata. N/A Required
format The response format. The current options are JSON or GeoJSON. JSON Optional
apikey A unique code to access AccuWeather's APIs. N/A Required
minLatitude The southernmost latitude value for the search area bounding box. N/A Optional
maxLatitude The northernmost latitude value for the search area bounding box. N/A Optional
minLongitude The westernmost longitude value for the search area bounding box. N/A Optional
maxLongitude The easternmost longitude value for the search area bounding box. N/A Optional
category The ID number or name which corresponds to the desired event type. Values are available through the event categories list endpoint. N/A Optional
startTime The time at which the report search shall start. Provide the date and time in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. The default timespan is 24 hours and the maximum timespan is 72 hours. (current time - 24 hrs) Optional
endTime The time at which the report search shall end. Provide the date and time in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm. The default timespan is 24 hours and the maximum timespan is 72 hours. (current time) Optional

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Report search JSON response parameters

id A unique integer that identifies the weather event.
dateTime The date and time at which the event was reported, displayed in ISO 8601 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm).
event An abbreviated string that describes the event type.
category A single-word description of the weather event. See the category list endpoint for all possible values.
geometry An object that contains information about the event's geographical location and footprint.
type A single-word string that describes the event's footprint.
coordinates An array that contains the latitude and longitude point coordinates.
magnitude An object that contains information about the weather event's movement.
value The weather event's magnitude in a numerical value.
unit The magnitude's unit type.
determination A string that defines the conditions from which the magnitude is derived.
distanceFromCity An object that contains information about the weather event's distance from the nearest metropolitan area.
value The numerical value for the weather event's distance from the nearest metropolitan area.
unit The unit type for the weather event's distance from the nearest metropolitan area.
directionFromCity An abbreviated ordinal direction in which the weather event is located from the specified city.
city The metropolitan area closest to the weather event.
SupplementalAdminAreas An object that contains information about the administrative area in which the weather event is located.
level An integer that indicates the area's administrative subdivisions within a country. As the level increases, the subdivision scale decreases. Numbers of 10 or greater are reserved for non-political boundaries and should be used independently.
name The administrative division's official name.
type A description of the administrative division.
administrativeAreaId A code that identifies the administrative area, such as the abbreviation for a US state.
countryId A code that identifies the country.
source A short phrase that identifies the original weather event information source.
fatalities An integer that displays the number of fatalities attributed to the weather event. May be null.
injuries An integer that displays the number of injuries attributed to the weather event. May be null.
remarks Any additional information relevant to the weather event.

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Report search GeoJSON response parameters

features An object that contains sets of data about the requested weather events.
type A designator for the collection element type.
geometry An object that contains information about the event's geographical location and footprint.
type A single-word string that describes the event's footprint.
coordinates An array that contains the latitude and longitude point coordinates.
properties An object that contains information about the weather event.
category A single-word description of the weather event. See the category list endpoint for all possible values.
city An object that contains information about the metropolitan area closest to the weather event. Not returned when null.
name The name of the metropolitan area. Not returned when null.
direction The direction of the metropolitan area from the weather event. Not returned when null.
distance An object that contains information about the distance of the metropolitan area from the weather event. Not returned when null.
value The numerical value for the distance of the metropolitan area from the weather event.
unit The distance measurement's unit type.
county The name of the county where the weather event occurred. Not returned when null.
dateTime The date and time at which the weather event took place in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
fatalities An integer that displays the number of fatalities attributed to the weather event. Not returned when null.
id A unique identifying number assigned to the weather event.
injuries An integer that displays the number of injuries attributed to the weather event. Not returned when null.
magnitude An object that contains information about the weather event's severity. Not returned when null.
value A numerical value for the magnitude measurement.
units The magnitude measurement's unit type.
determination A string that indicates if the magnitude value is measured or estimated.
remarks Any additional information relevant to the weather event. Not returned when null.
source A short phrase that identifies the original weather event information source.
adminCode A code that identifies the administrative area, such as the abbreviation for a US state.
type A single-word description or an abbreviated string that describes the weather event type.
colorHex The six-digit additive color definition value for a color that indicates the weather event severity, returned as a string.

Event category list response parameters

id A unique integer that identifies the category.
name A one-word identifier for the category.

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Category metadata response parameters

id A unique integer that identifies the category.
name A one-word identifier for the category.
events An object that contains a list of all event types within the requested category.
name A short phrase that describes the event type.
colorHex A unique color value that identifies the weather event, returned as a hexidecimal (six-digit additive color definition) value.

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