Historical API Parameters

Request parameters | Daily response parameters

Historical API query string parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
api Hostname to be used only in production: api.accuweather.com N/A Required
apidev Hostname to be used only in development: apidev.accuweather.com N/A Required
version Version of the API. v1 Required
locationKey A unique ID that designates a specific location. Use the Locations API to search for the appropriate location key. N/A Required
format Format of the response. Currently only JSON and CSV are supported. JSON Optional
apikey Unique code used to access the API. N/A Required
date The date for the requested weather data. The format is yyyy-mm-dd (such as 2020-04-06). N/A Required
details A boolean value that specifies whether or not to include extended information. False Optional
metric A Boolean value (true or false) that returns the data in either metric units (true) or imperial units (false). false Optional
language A string that indicates the language in which to return the resource. See the Languages page for language support information. en-us Optional

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Daily historical API response parameters

ParameterDescriptionData Availability
date The date and time for the requested weather data in ISO 8061 format (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss-hh:mm).
epochDate The date and time for the requested weather data as a count of the number of seconds that have elapsed since midnight on January 1st, 1970 UTC/GMT.
temperature An object containing air temperature values for the requested time and location.
minimum An object containing the lowest recorded air temperature for the requested time and location.
value The numerical value of the lowest recorded temperature. Next day
unit The type of unit for the minimum temperature. The default is Fahrenheit. Change to Celsius with the request parameter metric=true.
unitType A numerical value which represents the minimum temperature units. This value can be used for translations.
maximum An object containing the highest recorded air temperature for the requested time and location.
value The numerical value of the highest recorded temperature. Next day
unit The type of unit for the maximum temperature. The default is Fahrenheit. Change to Celsius with the request parameter metric=true.
unitType A numerical value which represents the maximum temperature units. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing the average air temperature for the requested time and location.
value The numerical value of the average temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The average temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the difference between the average temperature at the requested time and the average temperature 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The calculated departure value in the requested units. Next day
unit The calculated departure value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the average temperature departure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
dewPoint An object containing information about the temperature at which the humidity in the air will begin to condense on surfaces.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest possible temperature at which the humidity in the air may begin to condense on surfaces.
value The numerical value of the minimum dew point temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum dew point temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum dew point temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest possible temperature at which the humidity in the air may begin to condense on surfaces.
value The numerical value of the maximum dew point temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum dew point temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum dew point temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average temperature at which the humidity in the air may begin to condense on surfaces.
value The numerical value of the average dew point temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The average dew point temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average dew point temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the difference between the dew point at the requested time and the dew point 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The calculated departure value in the requested units. Next day
unit The calculated departure value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the dew point departure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
relativeHumidity An object containing information about the measure of water vapor in the air, expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
minimum The minimum observed water vapor in the air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation, measured over the full 24-hour period. Next day
maximum The maximum observed water vapor in the air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation, measured over the full 24-hour period. Next day
average The average observed water vapor in the air expressed as a percentage of the amount needed for saturation, measured over the full 24-hour period. Next day
departure The calculated difference between the average relative humidity at the requested time and the average relative humidity 24 hours prior to the requested time. Next day
pressure An object containing information about the measured air pressure at ground level.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest measured air pressure at ground level, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The lowest measured air pressure value. Next day
unit The lowest measured air pressure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum air pressure measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest measured air pressure at ground level, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The highest measured air pressure value. Next day
unit The highest measured air pressure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum air pressure measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing information about the average measured air pressure at ground level, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average measured air pressure value. Next day
unit The average measured air pressure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average air pressure measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
departure The calculated difference between the average measured air pressure at the requested time and the average measured air pressure 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The air pressure departure value. Next day
unit The air pressure departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the air pressure departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
windSpeed An object containing wind speed information.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest recorded wind speed, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum wind speed's value in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum wind speed value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the minimum wind speed value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest recorded wind speed, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum wind speed's value in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum wind speed value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the maximum wind speed value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average recorded wind speed, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average wind speed's value in the requested units. Next day
unit The average wind speed value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the average wind speed value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average measured wind speed at the requested time and the average measured wind speed 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The wind speed departure value in the requested units. Next day
unit The wind speed departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the wind speed departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
windGust An object containing information about the measured short-burst wind speeds.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest recorded wind gust speed, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum wind gust speed's value in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum wind gust speed's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the minimum wind gust speed's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest recorded wind gust speed, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum wind gust speed's value in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum wind gust speed's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the maximum wind gust speed's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average recorded wind gust speed, as measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average wind gust speed's value in the requested units. Next day
unit The average wind gust speed's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the average wind gust speed's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average measured wind gust speed at the requested time and the average measured wind gust speed 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The wind gust speed departure value in the requested units. Next day
unit The wind gust speed departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the wind gust speed departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
windDirection An object containing informaiton about wind direction in azimuth degrees and ordinal direction.
degrees Wind direction in azimuth degrees clockwise from north (180° indicates a wind coming from the south). Next day
localized An abbreviated ordinal direction description of the wind direction in the language local to the requested location.
english An abbreviated ordinal direction description of the wind direction in English.
dominantPrecipitationType The most common precipitation type that reaches the ground over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
precipitation An object that contains information about precipitation amount over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The precipitation depth measurement in the requested units. Next day
unit The precipitation depth measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the precipitation depth measurement's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
precipitationRate An object containing information about the precipitation intensity.
minimum An object containing information about the lightest-intensity precipitation measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum precipitation rate value in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum precipitation rate's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum precipitation rate's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the heaviest-intensity precipitation measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum precipitation rate value in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum precipitation rate's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum precipitation rate's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average precipitation intensity measured over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average precipitation rate value in the requested units. Next day
unit The average precipitation rate's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average precipitation rate's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
snowCover An object containing information about the percentage of ground that holds snow accumulation.
minimum The lowest percentage of snow cover recorded over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
maximum The highest percentage of snow cover recorded over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
average The average percentage of snow cover recorded over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
departure The difference between the snow cover at the requested time and the snow cover 24 hours prior to the requested time. Next day
snowDepth An object containing information about the average accumulated snow depth measurement.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest snow depth recorded over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum snow depth measurement's numerical value in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The minimum snow depth measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum snow depth measurement's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the deepest snow depth recorded over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum snow depth measurement's numerical value in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The maximum snow depth measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum snow depth measurement's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average snow depth recorded over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average snow depth measurement's numerical value in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The average snow depth measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average snow depth measurement's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
snowLiquid An object containing information about the depth of snow that melted over the indicated 24-hour day and returned as the liquid water equivalent.
value The snow liquid measurement value. 2–3 months
unit The snow liquid measurement value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the snow liquid measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
snowLiquidRate An object containing information about how quickly any accumulated snow melted into liquid water.
minimum An object containing information about the slowest rate at which accumulated snow melted into liquid water over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum snow liquid rate's numerical value in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The minimum snow liquid rate's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum snow liquid rate's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the fastest rate at which accumulated snow melted into liquid water over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum snow liquid rate's numerical value in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The maximum snow liquid rate's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum snow liquid rate's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average rate at which accumulated snow melted into liquid water over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average snow liquid rate's numerical value in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The average snow liquid rate's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average snow liquid rate's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
realFeel An object containing information about AccuWeather's patented RealFeel™ temperature, a temperature value that uses a variety of factors to determine how the temperature actually feels outside.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest RealFeel™ temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum RealFeel™ temperature's numerical value in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum RealFeel™ temperature value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum RealFeel™ temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest RealFeel™ temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum RealFeel™ temperature's numerical value in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum RealFeel™ temperature value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum RealFeel™ temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average RealFeel™ temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average RealFeel™ temperature's numerical value in the requested units. Next day
unit The average RealFeel™ temperature value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average RealFeel™ temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average RealFeel™ temperature at the requested time and the average RealFeel™ temperature 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The calculated RealFeel™ temperature departure value in the requested units. Next day
unit The calculated RealFeel™ temperature departure value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the RealFeel™ temperature departure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
realFeelShade An object containing information about AccuWeather's patented RealFeel™ shade temperature, a temperature value that uses a variety of factors to determine how the temperature actually feels outside in the shade.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest RealFeel™ shade temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum RealFeel™ shade temperature's numerical value in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum RealFeel™ shade temperature value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum RealFeel™ shade temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest RealFeel™ shade temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum RealFeel™ shade temperature's numerical value in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum RealFeel™ shade temperature value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum RealFeel™ shade temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average RealFeel™ shade temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average RealFeel™ shade temperature's numerical value in the requested units. Next day
unit The average RealFeel™ shade temperature value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average RealFeel™ shade temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average RealFeel™ shade temperature at the requested time and the average RealFeel™ shade temperature 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The calculated RealFeel™ shade temperature departure value in the requested units. Next day
unit The calculated RealFeel™ shade temperature departure value's unit type.
unitType A numeric ID that designates the RealFeel™ shade temperature departure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
heatIndex An object containing information about perceived temperature intensity based on the measured temperature and relative humidity.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest heat index temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum heat index temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum heat index temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum heat index temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest heat index temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum heat index temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum heat index temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum heat index temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average heat index temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average heat index temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The average heat index temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average heat index temperature's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average heat index temperature at the requested time and the average heat index temperature 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The heat index temperature departure value. Next day
unit The heat index temperature departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the heat index temperature departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
windChill An object containing information about perceived temperature intensity based on the measured temperature and wind speed.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest wind chill temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum wind chill temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The minimum wind chill temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum wind chill value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest wind chill temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum wind chill temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The maximum wind chill temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum wind chill value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average wind chill temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average wind chill temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The average wind chill temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average wind chill value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average wind chill at the requested time and the average wind chill 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The wind chill temperature departure value. Next day
unit The wind chill temperature departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the wind chill temperature departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
wetBulb An object containing information about the temperature to which air may be cooled by evaporating water into it at constant pressure until it reaches saturation.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest wet bulb temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum wet bulb temperature value. Next day
unit The minimum wet bulb temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum wet bulb temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest wet bulb temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum wet bulb temperature value. Next day
unit The maximum wet bulb temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum wet bulb temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing information about the average wet bulb temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average wet bulb temperature value. Next day
unit The average wet bulb temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average wet bulb temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average wet bulb temperature at the requested time and the average wet bulb temperature 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The wet bulb temperature departure value. Next day
unit The wet bulb temperature departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the wet bulb temperature departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
soilTemperature An object containing information about soil layer temperature between the surface and 2.89 metes (9.48 feet) below the surface.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest soil temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum soil temperature measurement in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The minimum soil temperature measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum soil temperature measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest soil temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum soil temperature measurement in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The maximum soil temperature measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum soil temperature measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing information about the average soil temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average soil temperature measurement in the requested units. 2–3 months
unit The average soil temperature measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average soil temperature measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
departure An object containing information about the calculated difference between the average measured soil temperature at the requested time and the average measured soil temperature 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The soil temperature departure value. 2–3 months
unit The soil temperature departure's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the soil temperature departure's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
soilMoisture An object containing information about the soil's measured water content.
minimum An object containing information about the soil's lowest measured water content over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum soil moisture measurement. 2–3 months
unit The minimum soil moisture measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum soil moisture measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
maximum An object containing information about the soil's highest measured water content over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum soil moisture measurement. 2–3 months
unit The maximum soil moisture measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum soil moisture measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing information about the soil's average measured water content over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average soil moisture measurement. 2–3 months
unit The average soil moisture measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average soil moisture measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
meanSeaLevelPressure An object containing information about the calculated average of sea level atmospheric pressure measurements.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest sea level atmospheric pressure measurement over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The minimum sea level atmospheric pressure value. Next day
unit The minimum sea level atmospheric pressure value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the minimum sea level atmospheric pressure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest sea level atmospheric pressure measurement over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum sea level atmospheric pressure value. Next day
unit The maximum sea level atmospheric pressure value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum sea level atmospheric pressure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average sea level atmospheric pressure measurement over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average sea level atmospheric pressure value. Next day
unit The average sea level atmospheric pressure value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average sea level atmospheric pressure value's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure The calculated difference between the average sea level atmospheric pressure at the requested time and the average sea level atmospheric pressure 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The mean sea level pressure departure value. Next day
unit The mean sea level pressure departure value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the mean sea level pressure departure's unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
cloudBase An object containing information indicating the altitude at which the lowest cloud layer is present.
minimum An object containing information about the lowest altitude at which the lowest cloud layer was present over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The cloud base's minimum altitude value. Next day
unit The cloud base's minimum altitude unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the cloud base's minimum altitude unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
maximum An object containing information about the highest altitude at which the lowest cloud layer was present over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The cloud base's maximum altitude value. Next day
unit The cloud base's maximum altitude unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the cloud base's maximum altitude unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
average An object containing information about the average altitude at which the lowest cloud layer was present over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The cloud base's average altitude value. Next day
unit The cloud base's average altitude unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the cloud base's average altitude unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
departure The calculated difference between the average cloud base at the requested time and the average cloud base 24 hours prior to the requested time.
value The cloud base's altitude departure value. Next day
unit The cloud base's altitude departure value unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the cloud base's altitude departure unit type. This value can be used for unit translations.
cloudCover An object containing information about the percentage of the sky occupied by clouds.
minimum The least amount of sky covered by clouds over the indicated 24-hour day, returned as a percentage of total sky. Next day
maximum The greatest amount of sky covered by clouds over the indicated 24-hour day, returned as a percentage of total sky. Next day
average The average amount of sky covered by clouds over the indicated 24-hour day, returned as a percentage of total sky. Next day
departure An object containing information about the difference between the cloud cover at the requested time and the cloud cover 24 hours prior to the requested time. Next day
uvIndex An object containing information about the sun's measured ultraviolet radiation strength.
minimum The lowest measured ultraviolet radiation strength over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
maximum The highest measured ultraviolet radiation strength over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
average The average measured ultraviolet radiation strength over the indicated 24-hour day. Next day
departure The calculated difference between the average ultraviolet radiation strength at the requested time and the average ultraviolet radiation strength 24 hours prior to the requested time. Next day
solarIrradiance An object containing information about the measurement of electromagnetic radiation received from the sun.
maximum An object containing information about the highest measured solar irradiance over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum solar irradiance value. Next day
unit The maximum solar irradiance value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum solar irradiance value's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing information about the average measured solar irradiance over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average solar irradiance value. Next day
unit The average solar irradiance value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average solar irradiance value's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
total An object containing information about the total measured solar irradiance over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The total solar irradiance value. Next day
unit The total solar irradiance value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the total solar irradiance value's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
solarRadiation An object containing information about the measurement of radiation received from the sun.
maximum An object containing information about the highest intensity solar radiation over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The maximum intensity solar radiation measurement. Next day
unit The maximum intensity solar radiation measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the maximum intensity solar radiation measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
average An object containing information about the average intensity solar radiation over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The average intensity solar radiation measurement. Next day
unit The average intensity solar radiation measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the average intensity solar radiation measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
total An object containing information about the total solar radiation over the indicated 24-hour day.
value The total solar radiation measurement. Next day
unit The total solar radiation measurement's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the total solar radiation measurement's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
evapotranspiration An object containing information about soil water loss by evaporation and plant transpiration.
value The total amount of water lost from the soil due to evapotranspiration in the requested units. Next day
unit The evapotranspiration value's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the evapotranspiration value's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
minutesOfSun The total count of minutes throughout the day in which the sun was shining. Next day
minutesOfPrecipitation The total count of minutes throughout the day in which precipitation was recorded. Next day
minutesOfSnow The total count of minutes throughout the day in which snow fall was recorded. 2–3 months
degreeDaysSummary An object containing information about how warm or cold the requested location was, based on the difference between actual temperatures and the location's mean temperature over the indicated 24-hour day.
heating An object containing information about the degree days for which the recorded temperature was below the location's mean temperature.
value The heating degree day temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The heating degree day temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the heating degree day temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
cooling An object containing information about the degree days for which the recorded temperature was above the location's mean temperature.
value The cooling degree day temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The cooling degree day temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the cooling degree day temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
effective An object containing information about the degree days for which the perceived temperature, accounting for wind chill, was below the location's mean temperature.
value The effective degree day temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The effective degree day temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the effective degree day temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
growing An object containing information about the degree days for which the recorded temperature was above 10°C (50°F), and beneficial to plant and insect development.
value The growing degree day temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The growing degree day temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the growing degree day temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.
freezing An object containing information about the degree days for which the recorded temperature was below 0°C (32°F).
value The freezing degree day temperature in the requested units. Next day
unit The freezing degree day temperature's unit type.
unitType A unique numeric ID that designates the freezing degree day temperature's unit type. This value can be used for translations.

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