International Air Quality API Guide
Version 2
Current conditions/forecast endpoints
Observational endpoints (raw data)
Current conditions/forecast endpoints
Current air quality conditions by location key
Note: this endpoint supports all AccuWeather locations. The pollutants request parameter is only available with the premium option.
https://{{api} or {apidev}}{version}/currentconditions/{locationKey}?apikey={your key}&pollutants={boolean}&language={language} |
Examples{your key}&language=en-us |{your key}&pollutants=true&language=en-us |
Hourly air quality forecasts by location key
Note: this endpoint supports all AccuWeather locations. The pollutants request parameter is only available with the premium option.
https://{{api} or {apidev}}{version}/forecasts/hourly/{hour#}hour/{locationKey}?apikey={your key}&pollutants={boolean}&language={language} |
Note: to change the forecast time span, change the 12 in "12hour" in the example below to the desired number of hours. Available time spans are 1, 12, 24, 48, 72, and 96 hours.{your key}&language=en-us |{your key}&pollutants=true&language=en-us |
Daily air quality forecasts by location key
Note: this endpoint supports all AccuWeather locations.
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/forecasts/daily/{day#}day/{locationKey}?apikey={your key}&language={language} |
Note: to change the forecast time span, change the 3 in "3day" in the example below to the desired number of days. Available time spans are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7 days.{your key}&language=en-us |
Observational endpoints
Note: these endpoints return the same data as V1, except formatted for V2. These endpoints support China and South Korea only.
Current air quality observation by location key
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/global/observations/{locationKey}{.{format}}?apikey={your key} |
Example{your key} |
Past day air quality observation by location key
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/global/observations/1day/{locationKey}{.{format}}?apikey={your key} |
Example{your key} |
Version 1 (deprecated)
As applicable, additional specialized air quality content can be made available though the premium air quality endpoints, under specific business terms.
Current air quality by location key (standard)
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/global/observations/{locationKey}{.{format}}?apikey={your key} |
Example{your key} |
Past day air quality by location key (standard)
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/global/observations/1day/{locationKey}{.{format}}?apikey={your key} |
Example{your key} |
Current air quality by location key (premium)
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/observations/{locationKey}{.{format}}?apikey={your key} |
Example{your key} |
Past day air quality by location key (premium)
https://{{api} or {{apidev}}{version}/observations/1day/{locationKey}{.{format}}?apikey={your key} |
Example{your key} |