api |
Hostname to be used only in production: api.accuweather.com. |
N/A |
Required |
apidev |
Hostname to be used only in development: apidev.accuweather.com. |
N/A |
Required |
apikey |
Unique code used to access the API. |
N/A |
Required |
version |
Version of the API. |
v1 |
Required |
language |
A code indicating the language in which to return the resource. |
en-us |
Optional |
colortable |
Returns colors for global coverage reference. |
off |
Optional |
display_mode |
A numerical value that can change the resultant rendered tiles. |
N/A |
Optional |
locations |
Boolean value. When true, returns a bounding box for the requested feature. |
false |
Optional |
locationkey |
Unique ID used to search for a specific location. |
N/A |
Required |
toplat |
The northern latitude that defines a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
bottomlat |
The southern latitude that defines a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
rightlon |
The eastern longitude that defines a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
leftlon |
The western longitude that defines a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
zoom |
Viewing height or distance the viewer appears to be from the map surface. |
N/A |
Required |
attribute |
Returns JSON query attribution information for the source data. |
false |
Optional |
products |
The full code of a specific Global Radar product or products. |
N/A |
Required |
x1 |
The top left X coordinate of a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
y1 |
The top left Y coordinate of a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
x2 |
The bottom right X coordinate of a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
y2 |
The bottom right Y coordinate of a bounding box. |
N/A |
Required |
imageDimensions |
The width and length, in pixels, of the image. Optional values are 768x432 or 480x270. |
N/A |
Required |
theme |
A coloration option for image delivery. Currently available in light or dark. |
light |
Optional |
legend |
Boolean value that indicates if a color-coded legend will be displayed along the bottom of the returned weather map image. |
false |
Optional |
imgtype |
The image file format. Current options are png or jpg. |
png |
Optional |