Alerts API Parameters

Request parameters | Response parameters

Alerts API query string parameters

ParameterDescriptionDefault value
api Hostname for use in production applications: N/A Required
apidev Hostname for use in development applications: N/A Required
apikey A unique code to access AccuWeather's APIs. N/A Required
version The API version. Currently v1. v1 Required
locationkey A unique ID that designates a specific location. Use the Locations API to search for the appropriate location key. N/A Required
format The response data format. Currently only JSON is available. JSON Optional
language A string that indicates the language in which to return the resource. en-us Optional
details A boolean value that specifies whether or not to include the full alert text. False Optional

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Alerts API response parameters

CountryCode A unique ID number assigned to a specific country.
AlertID A unique ID number that identifies a specific alert for a particular country.
Description An object containing a short phrase that summarizes the alert.
Localized A short phrase that summarizes the alert in the specified language.
English A short phrase that summarizes the alert in US English.
Category A classification word or phrase that describes the alert type.
Priority A ranking number that indicates the alert's importance based on the issuing authority's list of alert types. Higher impact alerts have a lower numnber. The highest priority is 1.
Type An abbreviated alert description.
TypeId An alphanumeric ID that indicates the alert description.
Class The alert classification. Not available for all countries. Can be null.
Level Indicates the alert severity. Not available for all countries. Can be null.

A color-based system that indicates the alert severity. Possible values are:

  • Red: Critical alert. Immediately notify user.
  • Orange: Medium alert. Notify user upon any interaction.
  • Yellow: Normal alert. Notify user on a schedule or when asked.
  • null: Default value. Returned if there is no alert severity.
Color An object containing definitions for an additive color that indicates the alert type.
Name A descriptive name for the color.
Red The color's red component.
Green The color's green component.
Blue The color's blue component.
Hex The hexadecimal code that specifies the color.
Source The alert data provider.
SourceId An ID integer that identifies the alert data provider.
Disclaimer A disclaimer that must be displayed with the alert data. Can be null.
Area An array containing information that defines the requested alert location, alert timing, and alert text.
Name The name for the area that encompasses the requested location and falls under the current alert.
StartTime The time at which the alert began, returned in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
EpochStartTime The time at which the alert began, returned in the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
EndTime The time at which the alert ended or will end, returned in ISO 8601 format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss±hh:mm.
EpochEndTime The time at which the alert ended or will end, returned in the total number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT).
LastAction An object containing the alert's current status.
Localized The alert's current status in the specified language.
English The alert's current status in US English.
Text A full description of the alert.
LanguageCode The code for the language in which the alert is returned (for example, en for English).
Summary A brief description of the alert.
MobileLink Link to severe weather alerts on AccuWeather's mobile site for the requested location.
Link Link to severe weather alerts on AccuWeather's free site for the requested location.

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