The AccuWeather API provides subscribers access to location based weather data via a simple RESTful web interface.
Daily and hourly forecast searches require a location key. Please use the Locations API to obtain the location key for your desired location.
Daily forecasts may be retrieved for 1 day, 5 days, 10 days, 15 days, 25 days, and 45 days.
Hourly forecasts may be retrieved for 1 hour, 12 hours, 24 hours (~1 day), 72 hours (~3 days), 120 hours (~5 days), and 240 hours (~10 days).
Quarter-day forecasts may be retrieved for 1 day, 5 days, 10 days, or 15 days. Data is presented by quarters of the day—morning, afternoon, evening, and overnight.
Daily and hourly forecast responses are returned in either metric or imperial units. The units can be specified by passing in metric=true for metric in the url. By default, imperial units are returned.
MinuteCast™ (minute by minute forecasts) require a latitude/longitude pair (truncated to two decimal places).
MinuteCast™ Premium forecasts may be retrieved for 1 minute, 5 minute and 15 minute intervals.
By default, a truncated version of the MinuteCast™ Premium data is returned which includes: summary, summaries, start datetime, start epoch datetime, minute, dbz, precipitation type. The full object can be obtained by passing a "details=true" into the url string. Details include both a simplified and full spectrum of colors associated with the dbz value for that minute.
The colors and simplified colors relating to the MinuteCast™ Premium dbz can also be obtained by calling two separate endpoints: "...minute/colors..." and "...minute/colors/simple..."
By default, a truncated version of the hourly forecast data is returned which includes: datetime, epoch datetime, weather icon, icon phrase, temperature, precipitation probability, isDaylight, mobile link and link. The full object can be obtained by passing "details=true" into the url string.
By default, a truncated version of the daily forecast data is returned which includes: headline: effective date, effective epoch date, severity and text, daily forecasts: date, epoch date, temperature, day: icon, icon phrase, night: icon, icon phrase, and mobile link and link. The full object can be obtained by passing "details=true" into the url string.
To reduce data consumption and prolong battery life in some devices, we recommend that developers cache MinuteCast™ HTTP 400 responses for 72 hours to prevent subsequent requests from returning the error.